Building Policies
Wedding Information
In planning for your wedding ceremony you will work with members of the church staff, who are dedicated to help make your wedding at First Church a significant and celebrative act of Christian worship. They will bring to their conversations with you their special skills and training in worship, music, and Christian theology. The staff will seek to join you in planning a wedding ceremony that is true to our Christian commitment as well as personally meaningful to you. They understand that, as in everything we do as Christians, our personal preferences in planning the marriage service are disciplined by our commitment to honor God in worship and to witness with integrity to the special character of Christian marriage.
The Sanctuary or Wesley Chapel can be used if the bride, the groom, or one of their parents is a member of this congregation. Non-members must be granted permission to have a wedding at First Church by the Senior Pastor prior to setting a date. Please select your date as soon as possible to make sure it is available on the church calendar.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting Jessica Miller at (580) 237-2041.
Funeral Information
The death of a loved one is a difficult experience. We grieve the loss of one who has been close, but we do not sorrow as those who have no hope (1 Thess 4: 13). It is our desire and privilege to minister to the families of our congregation in their time of need. It is through the Word of God that we have hope at the time of the death of a loved one (Romans 15: 4). This policy is provided to assist our families in planning and providing a Christian funeral at First United Methodist Church in Enid, Oklahoma.
All members of First United Methodist Church Enid are encouraged to use the church building for funeral services. The sanctuary is also offered for the funeral services of Christians whose membership is in another church.
There can be alternative methods for the conducting of services at the time of death. These could include a private graveside service for family members as soon after death as possible and/or a public service of worship (a memorial service) conducted at the church later. The pastor will be happy to meet with the family to plan any funeral worship arrangements.
Additional information can be obtained by contacting Jessica Miller at (580) 237-2041.
Building Usage Policy
First United Methodist Church of Enid, Oklahoma has been richly blessed with a beautiful facility for worship and spiritual growth programs and opportunities. FUMC Enid desires to reach our community through worship, church ministry events, personal events, and building relationships with community events hosted by outside non-profits.
As stewards of FUMC Enid’s church facilities, the Board of Trustees has developed a policy to help nurture the faith of its members and provide a sanctuary and place of positive impact for the community.